Maretron DSM250 Multi-Function Color Display (DSM250)

1.075,00 (VAT excl.)
1.333,00 (24% VAT incl.)


Maretron’s DSM250 is a high-resolution sunlight viewable color display that allows easy interpretation of NMEA 2000® instrument and navigation data through custom display configurations, featuring an easy-to-use five-key illuminated keypad.

Unlike traditional single-display units, DSM250 users can choose numeric, gauge, or graph formats in single or multiple displays, with cycling options possible for a wide range of favorite data. These multiple display options conserve mounting space and reduce overall system cost.

The DSM250 will directly connect with any NMEA 2000® network and display any or all information captured throughout the vessel. Various audio and visual alarms are also programmable.

The DSM250 displays a multitude of information including AC power, battery, depth, engine, environment, fuel management, GPS, heading, navigation, rudder, speed, tanks, time, transmission, weather, wind and more.

The DSM250 now includes a comprehensive, flexible alert capability. Configure audio and visual alerts on virtually any data that the DSM250 is capable of monitoring. Available alert types include:

  • High alert
  • Low alert
  • Data unavailable alert
  • On alert
  • Off alert
  • Circuit breaker tripped alert
  • Course alert
  • GPS quality alert
  • Outside radius alert
  • Inside radius alert
  • Direction alert
  • Timer alert

Examples of data that the DSM250 can display are:

  • AC power (Average Frequency, Voltage and Current, Phase-Neutral Frequency, Voltage and Current, Phase-Phase Frequency, Voltage and Current
  • Anchor Watch
  • Battery / DC (Voltage, Current, Battery Temperature, Battery State of Charge, Battery Time Remaining, Ripple Voltage, Power)
  • Depth (Water Depth, Depth below Transducer)
  • Electrical (Resistance)
  • Electrical Distribution (Switch/Breaker, Breaker Current, On/Off/Error Counters, On/Off/Error Timers)
  • Engine Monitor (Boost Pressure, Hours, Coolant Pressure, Coolant Temperature, Exhaust Gas Temperature, Fuel Pressure, Fuel Rate, Oil Pressure, Oil Temperature, Tachometer, Tilt/Trim, Voltage, Fuel Ecomony, Fuel Consumption, Percent Load, Percent Torque, Trip Fuel Used, Warning Indicators)
  • Environment (Barometer, Heat Index, Humidty, Temoperatures, Wind Chill)
  • Fluid Flow (Flow Rate, Trip Volume)
  • Fuel management (Distance to Empty, Time to Empty, Total Fuel Capacity, Total Fuel Level, Total Fuel Consumption, Total Trip Fuel Used, Total Fuel Economy, Total Fuel Renmaining)
  • GPS (COG, Lat/Lon, SOG, Satellites, Time, Accuracy)
  • Heading (Heading, Rate of Turn, Variation)
  • Humidity (Inside, Outside, User Defined
  • Indicators (Status, , On/Off/Error Counters, On/Off/Error Timers)
  • Mechanical (dB, Force, Strain)
  • Motion (Acceleration, Angle, Angular Velocity, Angular Acceleration, Distance, Rotation Rate, Velocity)
  • Navigation (BOD, BTW, COG, XTE, DTW, ETA, Lat/Long, Rolling Road, Set/Drift, SOG, TTG, VWG, Waypoint Number and Name)
  • Pressure / Vacuum
  • Rudder
  • SMS (Status, Signal Strength)
  • Speed (Through Water, Over Ground, Total Log, Trip Log)
  • Tanks (Capacity, Level, Remaining)
  • Time (Local, UTC, Moon Phase, Sunrise, Sunset, Twilight)
  • Transmission (Gear, Oil Pressure, Oil Temperature, Warning Indicators)
  • Vessel (Heave, Pitch, Roll, Trim Tabs, Keel)
  • Watermaker (Sea Recovery Status display)
  • Wind (Apparent direction and speed, True direction and speed, Groud direction and speed)

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